A text component is a simple text box. Besides the standard text-related properties, there are two that add HTML support, as follows:
If you enable one of these properties, you must set Editable to FALSE, Horizontal Alignment to Left, and Vertical Alignment to Top. Hard line breaks added by pressing Alt + Enter are not rendered.
Click the FULL-SIZE ICON next to the Text property field.
If you are editing text in the text property field, type Alt + Enter. If you are editing in the large text field, type Enter.
To add a new font to your project:
WOFF is the recommended font format for Solution Builder projects.
To obtain or create a custom icon font, you can use an online service like the IcoMoon App. Add the font to your fonts folder as described above. To embed a glyph from a custom icon font in a text component, set the font property of the text component to the custom icon font and use one of the following methods:
Copy and paste: Copy the glyph from a font viewer and paste it into the text property.
HTML code: Enable the text component's isHTML or isAdvancedHTML property and use the HTML code for the glyph. To determine the code, look at the CSS definition. For example, if the CSS looks like this:
.<icon name>:before { content: "\e932"
... use the following HTML to embed the glyph in a text component: 
Note: When you use an online icon font generator, the code for each entity might change when you re-upload the icons or regenerate the font. To avoid the need to update glyphs or HTML code in the Property Inspector, make sure your font has all the icons you want before you start using it.
In the Outline or Document window, select the text component. In the Property Inspector, under Text and Font, set Editable to TRUE. Alternatively, you can use the text input component and text area component to accept user input.
Set both the Height and Width of the text component to auto as follows:
Set the text component's Font Size property to auto.